The Mac Atttack:
Man, on cell during dinner rush: IS SHE HAVING ANOTHER BIG MAC ATTACK?! *everyone turns and stares*
The Coffe Moment:
My favorite Regular: Sara, could you give me a refill?
Me: Yep. *brews another pot of coffe and fill cup at same time* *hands filled cup to regular*
Regular: You're very good, sweetheart. All hands, just like your boyfriends, haha.
Me: O_O (Seriously, wtf? The guy doesn't even know me! I only see him everyday and make his effing decaf. Jeez. >.>)
The Boot Moment
Man: *pulls off boot and holds it to his ear* Hello? Oh, you sonofa--
Fries Are Exciting, I guess:
Me: Can I help you?
Young Guy: Yeah, I want a McChicken, three McDoubles, and a large pop.
Me: Anything else?
Guy: Medium fries, whoo-hoo! *jumps up and down wildly*
Me: O_O Ok, then. (I was laughing really hard as soon as he left. He wasn't even that young. Maybe mid-twenties. It was hilarious.)
Wtf moment:
Lady in drive-thru: Do you have a plastic cup for my large pop?
Me:We're all out. But the foam one is the same size if that's what you're wondering.
Lady: Well, foam makes the pop go flat faster!
Me: Er... ok, well, I'm sorry, but we're out. Have a good day, now.
Lady: Hmph! *drives away muttering about her pop*
Manager: What was that all about?
Me: Crazy lady said the pop goes flat faster in the foam cups.
Manager: XD
(I still wonder if there's any truth to this. It makes me want to do a science experiment.)
Anyway, that's all I have for now, though I did appreciate the conversation I had with the old dude from... it was either South or North Carolina. Anyway, he had a thick drawl, and told me crazy stories about Minnesotan state troopers and out "purrty little town."
Last edited by sleeepygoron on Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total